As of January 2025



ASSRA Match Records will be open to all ASSRA members in good standing who shoot a qualifying match score in competition on an official ASSRA target at any ASSRA affiliated club event.


ASSRA Match Records

Section 7.20  Qualifying for Records

 A shooter may only qualify for a record score in one of two ways. First, The Schuetzenmeister for any of the ASSRA National matches may verify that a target has qualified for Both National Match Records and an ASSRA Match Record.

Second, for scores fired at any ASSRA affiliated club match event shot under ASSRA match rules:

1.)  The official ASSRA target to be considered is to be signed by the local Schuetzenmeister to verify that the target was shot under ASSRA rules at an affiliated club scheduled event, and that the shooter is an ASSRA member in good standing.

2.)  The signed target is to be sent to the Clubs Coordinator for verification. If the target is to be returned to the shooter a self addressed stamped envelop of an appropriate size should be sent with the target.

3.)  The Clubs coordinator will notify the ASSRA Schuetzenmeister and the Journal Editor of any new records.

4.)  The Journal editor will add any new or tied records to the list of ASSRA records.

For Current ASSRA Records
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